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Why Are Sculptures Important?

Why Are Sculptures Important?

One common art form is sculptures; you’ve probably come across a few throughout your life. They are almost everywhere and are of various people or things and are usually preserved or heavily protected. So why are sculptures important?

Sculptures are important because they preserve history or historical figures. They also symbolize freedom of expression and are often used as a religious symbol. 

In this article, I will go into detail about why sculptures are important, some common ones you may have heard of, and what they represent. So, let’s get started. 

Importance of Sculpture Education

It is important to learn about sculptures and have an appreciation for them since the history behind a sculpture is often of important cultural significance. Sculptures worldwide come from various artists and at different times in human history. 

Sculpture education is important so that as society grows, we remember that it’s crucial to preserve and respect cultural aspects of humanityso that we can continue to preserve history using expressive tools. Understanding the importance behind certain sculptures can also help you to understand the past - and how we got to the present.

Some sculptures represent times of war and the struggles of soldiers. Others represent a group of people gaining rights and respect in society, and some are there to show the beauty of a specific person or to remember them how they were.

Sculptures of men, women, and children can also show how the human race has changed and evolved over time. The sculpture can depict how people looked hundreds of years ago and how they dressed. 

Sculptures can depict and preserve many things, allowing them to be seen and appreciated by society for years to come. It is also important to know that creating a beautiful sculpture is a challenging task. 

Preserving History 

Sculptures are a great way to preserve history. They can depict critical historical events or important historical figures such as presidents, war heroes, etc. 

Some sculptures in museums today were made hundreds of years ago. So, preserving them is preserving history itself because art from hundreds of years ago isn’t easy to come by, and it shows how artists created things so long ago.

Here are a few sculptures you may have heard of and what they represent: 

  • One sculpture most people know is the Statue of Liberty. This sculpture is a symbol of America’s freedom and was a huge deal back when it was gifted to America by France. The sculpture being around today and being preserved is a way to preserve history and remember how America fought for independence and freedom. 
  • The Winged Victory of Samothrace is one of the few original Greek sculptures depicting the Greek goddess of Victory. Preserving this sculpture preserves history because it was made in 190 BCE.
  • The Lincoln Memorial, created by Daniel French, is another excellent representation of preserving history through sculptures. This 19-foot (5.79 m) sculpture depicts Abraham Lincoln, who is best known for the abolition of slavery. This sculpture was made to honor him and serve as a reminder of such an important milestone.
  • The 1968 Olympics Black Power Salute, created by Rigo 23, is another famous sculpture depicting a historical moment that occurred in 1968 at the Olympics. According to History, two black athletes raised a fist during the playing of the star-spangled banner to protest racial injustice. This sculpture preserves and reminds society of this powerful moment. 

Freedom of Expression 

Many sculptures are an expression of freedom, and can show a particular stance on politics, human rights, daily life, or emotions that the artist is passionate about. That is the great thing about art; anyone can make anything they want, no matter the topic. Knowing why sculptures are important allows us to see that there are many ways to express ourselves and our relative freedoms.

Here are a few examples of these sculptures you may have heard of:

  • The Swords to Ploughshares, created by Evgeniy Vuchetich, is a bronze sculpture of a man taking a hammer to a bent sword. It symbolizes the need to stop wars and use other tools to benefit mankind instead of killing one another. The artist made this sculpture to express their views of peace. 
  • Woman (Elevation) is a sculpture of a beautiful, curvy woman. Gaston Lachaise made this sculpture, and he wanted to show a more positive body image for women than what the world sees as “healthy” today.
  • Break Through Your Mold is a beautiful sculpture created by Zenos Frudakis in Pennsylvania. This sculpture can be interpreted differently depending on the individual, making it even more beautiful. The point of the sculpture is a person breaking free of a mold.

Religious Symbolism

Many sculptures have also been made regarding religion. Sculptures of Jesus, Buddha, and more are made to honor the deities that different religions worship. Some visit these sculptures to pay tribute to the deity they worship, while others may just find the sculptures beautiful. 

Making these sculptures also reminds us that we as a society have religious freedom. So any and all religions can have sculptures of their deities, and no one can take that away. Many of these sculptures have been around for years and are respected by society. 

Understanding why sculptures are important gives us a better insight into the workings of organized religion and how people can be brought together. 

Here are a few examples:

  • Christ the Redeemer is one of the most popular standings at 98 feet (29.87 m) tall in Rio de Janeiro. The sculpture is of Christ with his arms out, and it was petitioned by the Catholic circle within Brazil to get it built in 1920, but construction didn’t start until 1922.
  • The Tian Tian Buddha is a huge Hong Kong sculpture representing Buddhism. There are floors underneath the sculpture that hold the remains of the founder of Buddhism, Shakyamuni. This sculpture pays tribute to Buddha and its founder.
  • The Lord Murugan Statue is a large sculpture depicting a Hindu deity in Malaysia. It is made from steel, concrete, and gold paint and it took 15 sculptors to complete it. Having a sculpture that represents Hinduism is a meaningful thing to those who practice it. 


Sculptures are important because they can preserve history or significant moments in history. Many sculptures represent crucial times over the years, such as the abolition of slavery.

Sculpture education is important because we as a society should understand the cultural significance of sculptures and why we should preserve memories of the past. 

Sculpting is also an excellent way for artists to express themselves and what they stand for freely. Religious symbolism is also another way that sculptures are used. Sculptures of various deities are symbols of the power of religious representation and freedom.