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How To Cook Beans To Reduce Gas

How To Cook Beans To Reduce Gas

Beans are a rich source of fiber and plant-based protein, and they can fulfill a good part of your daily requirements of other nutrients such as iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, etc. Unfortunately, they also cause unwanted digestive symptoms, like gas, bloating, and stomach pain. However, there are ways you can take care of this problem and enjoy all the nutritional benefits beans offer.

Here are a few things you can do to prevent or reduce gas caused by beans: 

  1. Soak beans in water.
  2. Cook beans thoroughly.
  3. Use baking soda.
  4. Try digestion-friendly herbs and spices.

Beans have many health benefits, and you shouldn't avoid them just because they can be a bit difficult to digest. Please read this article to learn how to cookthem to reduce gas and other ways to prevent gas generated by them.

When Cooking Beans How To Reduce Gas

Before discussing ways to reduce gas, let's first understand why beans cause gas and other unpleasant digestive symptoms. 

Beans contain a non-digestible carbohydrate known as raffinose. The human body struggles to digest this compound properly, which results in the production of different kinds of gasses, leading to bloating and flatulence.

Beans are an excellent source of soluble fiber, which lowers bad cholesterol levels in the body. It also improves heart health and stabilizes sugar levels. However, during digestion, your gut bacteria ferment this fiber. Gas is a byproduct of this process. 

Now that you know why beans cause gas and bloating, let's see how to minimize or eliminate these problems.

1. Soak Beans in Water

Soaking beans in water reduces the time it takes to cook them. Additionally, it also makes it easy for you to digest them. It is because soaking reduces the raffinose content in the beans. There is no need to worry; it doesn't significantly change the beans' nutritional value.   

According to The Bean Institute, you can employ one of three soaking methods.

*Please note that for the purpose of this article, one cup equals two pounds or approximately 900 grams of beans. 

Try the Hot Soak Method To Reduce the Cooking Time

Did you forget to soak beans last night? No issue. The hot soak is here to your rescue.

This method reduces your waiting time from overnight to a couple of hours. It also lessens the raffinose compound by a lot. 

Here is how to use this method:

  1. Place the required quantity of beans in a large pot.
  2. Add five cups of water for each cup of beans. 
  3. Bring it to boil, let it boil for 2-3 more minutes. 
  4. Take the pot off the stove, cover it and leave it for about four hours.
  5. Drain the remaining water in the pot and rinse with fresh, cold water before using.

The beans are ready for use now. 

Use the Quick Soak Method When You're in a Hurry

The hot soak process takes more than four hours, but what if you don't have that much time in hand? In that case, the quick soak method is your best bet. This method allows you to make a steaming pot of beans in just a little more than an hour.  

Here is the step-by-step process: 

  1. Rinse the beans thoroughly with water and place them in a large container. 
  2. Pour three cups of water for each cup of beans.
  3. Bring beans to boil; let it boil for an additional 2-3 minutes.    
  4. Turn off the stove, cover the container, and leave it for an hour.
  5. Drain the remaining water and rinse the beans with cold water. 

You can proceed with the recipe now. 

Keep It Simple With Traditional Overnight Soak

This method is the easiest among the three methods mentioned in this article. You should always use this method when you have enough time, as research has proven this to be the most effective way to reduce gas-producing substances in beans. 

Here is how you can employ this method:

  1. Take a large pot and place the required amount of dry beans in it.
  2. Pour five cups of cold water for each cup of beans.
  3. Allow it to soak for 8-12 hours or more.
  4. Drain the remaining water and rinse well with cold water before using.  

2. Cook Beans Thoroughly

This step is often a continuation of the previous step. When soaked beans are cooked properly, they become more edible and easier to digest.

You can cook beans either on a stovetop or in a pressure cooker, depending on your preference. 

Instruction for Cooking Beans on a Stovetop

Depending on the variety of beans you're using, it can take anywhere between 15 minutes to two hours.  

Here are the step-by-step instructions to cook beans on the stovetop:  

  1. Place beans in a pot and cover them with fresh water. 
  2. Cook on low heat and keep occasionally stirring to prevent sticking. 
  3. Ensure water is at a gentle simmer, else the beans' skin will burst. 
  4. Make sure the beans are always covered in water during the cooking process. 

Instruction for Cooking Beans in a Pressure Cooker

A pressure cooker can take between five and 40 minutes to cook beans. Usually, larger beans require more time compared to short beans. As always, when in doubt, follow the specific guidelines mentioned in the recipe you're cooking. 

Here is how to cook beans in a pressure cooker:

  1. Place soaked beans in a pressure cooker; add salt, seasoning, and two tablespoons (29.57 ml) of oil for each cup of beans.
  2. Add enough water that it is at least two inches (5.08 cm) over the level of the beans.
  3. Ensure the content of the cooker doesn't cross the halfway mark. 
  4. Cook at high pressure, and leave it for about 20 minutes. 

Tips for Better Cooking

  • Beans expand when you cook them. So, keep adding more water if need be and ensure the beans are always covered in water. 
  • Once you're done with cooking, do a bite test. Sometimes, the beans may not be as tender as you like them to be, even after cooking them for the specified time. It's okay, cook them again for 10-15 minutes and do another bite taste.  
  • When beans are as tender as you want them, immediately drain the remaining water to prevent overcooking. 
  • If you want to add acidic ingredients like tomato, lemon juice, vinegar, etc., to beans, wait till they're cooked thoroughly. Otherwise, acid can prevent beans from softening and thus make them harder to digest.

3. Use Baking Soda

The Internet is populated with testimonials claiming baking soda helps better the digestion of beans. Science, however, is divided on the claim. This study says soaking beans in baking soda decreases raffinose, thus reducing the amount of gas produced. Another study, though, claims that soaked beans aren't necessarily more digestible than non-soaked beans. 

It'll be best if you try this little experiment for yourself. Maybe baking soda will make it easier for you to digest the beans. Even if it doesn't, you can always count on baking soda to make beans tender in less time. 

4. Try Digestion-Friendly Herbs and Spices

Every family has its way of cooking traditional recipes passed from one generation to another. Often, they use some particular herbs and spices to give the dish a distinctive taste.

Some of these herbs and spices are an integral part of different cuisines across the world. For example, Indians use carom seed and asafoetida, locally known as ajwain and hing, respectively, as precautionary measures to prevent stomach upset. Similarly, natives of Mexico and South America use epazote to help better digest beans. 

You can add the following spices to beans:

  • Carom seeds
  • Cumin seeds
  • Ginger 
  • Fennel
  • Peppermint
  • Garlic

You can add these spices any time during the cooking process; it won't affect the nutritional quotient or tenderness of the beans. 

However, if you’re using onions in your beans and want to preserve its taste, add it to the dish towards the last 30 minutes of cooking. When in doubt, it will be wise to follow the steps mentioned in the recipe.  

Take this advice with a pinch of salt, though, as there is no scientific study that proves using spices and herbs can reduce the gas formed by beans. Still, there is no harm in trying. Even if they don't aid digestion, the spices and herbs will add more taste to your recipe. 

Some Other Tips To Reduce Gas Caused by Beans

So far, you have learned ways to cook beans that reduce gas. However, besides cooking them in specific ways, you can try a few more things to make beans a little easier on your stomach.

Slowly Increase Your Intake of Beans

As mentioned earlier, beans are a rich source of fiber, which can cause gas. However, research has shown that slowly increasing your intake of beans can help you avoid or lessen side effects, such as intestinal bloating and gas. It happens because, with time, your body learns to adjust to the increased fiber consumption. 

Experiment With Different Kinds of Beans

Some beans have a higher amount of gas-producing substance than others. For example, chickpeas have the highest gas-producing component, while lentils have the lowest. Also, people react differently to different beans. So, if a particular type of bean gives you gas, switch to another variety. There is a chance your body might handle it better. 

Chew Food Thoroughly

The digestive process of beans starts in your mouth. When you eat quickly, you also swallow air, which leads to gas formation in the digestive tract.

When you chew food properly, you give the enzymes in your saliva more time to break down the beans. It results in less flatulence. Besides, you get more time to enjoy the delicious dish when you chew slowly. So, always remember to take your time and savor the taste in your mouth before you swallow.   

Drink Lots and Lots of Water

You already know that the fermentation of fiber is the root cause of gas produced by beans. However, another helpful tip that you should know is that you can take care of this problem by drinking plenty of water. 

The next time you eat beans or any other high-fiber food, keep a glass full of water with you and make sure you sip some now and then. It'll keep food in your digestive system moving and give bacteria less time to produce gasses.

Pair Beans With Easily Digestible Foods

Your stomach is hard at work trying to digest the fiber and raffinose present in beans. Don't make your gut's job even more difficult by eating other high-fiber food along with beans. 

Instead, try easily digestible food such as rice, leafy green vegetables, etc. These foods will dilute the gas-producing substance and make life slightly easier for your digestive system. 

Rinse Canned Beans Before Eating

Food companies often use salt as a preservative for canned food. Read the box; there is a good chance the same is the case for those canned beans in your pantry. 

The salt used, however, can be a cause of dehydration. Hence, rinse it well before using it. It'll remove excessive salt and the metallic taste of the box.

Consider Taking Digestive Enzymes

A small minority of people are quite sensitive to beans, and none of the tips mentioned above will help them. If you happen to be one of them, don't lose hope just yet. As a last resort, you can try any over-the-counter products that contain digestive enzymes, such as alpha-galactosidase digestive enzymes. Studies have shown these drugs to be safe and effective.

If you want to try these products, I recommend this Beano Gas Prevention and Digestive Supplement from The product is relatively inexpensive, extremely effective, and you can purchase it in a variety of package sizes.


Beans are a great, inexpensive source of valuable nutrients and have many health benefits. However, due to soluble fiber and raffinose, they can be challenging to digest.

You can take care of this problem by soaking them in water before use. Cooking beans properly, using baking soda, and adding herbs and spices may also help. 

Furthermore, gradually increase your intake of beans and experiment with different varieties. Chew your beans adequately, drink plenty of water, and pair them with rice or other easily digestible foods, and you should be fine. If nothing else works, consider taking digestive enzymes like Beano.